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#Industry News


How raised access floor systems help you protect a Data Center

The electrostatic electricity generated both by users and by the different machines and computer equipment commonly used in any space can directly affect the safety of equipment that is sensitive to electric shocks. These discharges occur when an accumulation of electrostatic electricity happens in the environment and it finds a respective material to travel.

At Polygroup we have created raised access floor systems for specific conductive needs, from antistatic floor coverings that prevent the generation as well as accumulation of antistatic electricity, to integral conductive raised floor systems endowed with a low electrical resistance which improves the vertical conductivity of a space.

Conductive Access Floor

Gamaflor raised access floor conductive systems have been specially designed to facilitate the conduction of electrostatic electricity through its components to a desired discharge point. The low electrical resistance that the components of the conductive raised floor have, facilitates the flow of electrons through the surface of the materials, thus avoiding the accumulation of electrostatic electricity at a site and endowing its proper conduction.

Disipative Access Floor

On the other hand, our Gamaflor dissipative antistatic raised floor systems derive the electrostatic electricity generated in a space gradually with greater control, helping to disperse the electrostatic electricity progressively. The use of this systems avoids dangerous spontaneous discharges of electricity, which can be potentially harmful for computer equipment.

In both cases, Gamaflor conductive raised floor system and Gamaflor dissipative raised floor system, are an integral solution for the correct handling of electrostatic electricity discharges. Polygroup recommends the installation of this type of raised floor systems in computer rooms, data centers and all those spaces where there is specialized equipment.


  • Seville, Spain
  • Polygroup Europe