#Product Trends
How Can Smart Furniture build better Smart Cities for Everyone
What is that makes any space easy to be in? It’s the furniture that makes all the difference, isn’t it?
The minute you step into a house or an office, the first thing that you take in is furniture. Even better for your comfort and convenience, when it is smart furniture.
So, if the same logic is applied in creating cities, won’t smart furniture make any city that much better to move around in? Of course, it will! And that is why the notion of smart street park furniture and intelligent fittings is gaining popularity in smart cities around the globe.
Urban furniture is a useful parameter when exploring a city’s personality. The design, the materials employed in street bench design or the bins, along with the location of the furniture are representatives of municipal policies in an area.
Cities today are dotted with aesthetic street park furniture, from benches to planters, and street bike racks to waste bins. All these are an indispensable part of daily urban life. But with a touch of technology, these pieces of furniture can be transformed into smart self-powered equipment that paves the way for increased public comfort.
Why Smart City Furniture?
Everything from waste bins to street bike racks can be made a little safer with the application of technology. Smart city furniture can assist cities and people in enhancing the appeal of public places with intelligent solutions, connectivity, real-time information, and much more.
The smart street furniture has a lot to offer to the city as well as its citizens:
Use of renewable solar energy to provide free charging points for electronic devices and wifi connectivity.
Use of renewable energy increases awareness among citizens and stands to educate them.
Gathering of big data that can improve the public services and quality of life in cities.
Imaginative Examples Of Smart City Furniture
Smart Benches
When people wait for the bus or simply wish to relax in one of the public parks, they look for a bench. And if that bench comes integrated with the latest technology, they can do so much more than just sit.
Smart street bench design can turn into a solar-powered wifi hub that addresses the demands of the 21st century. These smart benches can be placed in several public spaces like parks, city squares, games arenas, and universities.
Public Sanitizing Stations
The need for touchless hygiene has only been amplified in the past few months. Public hygiene has gone beyond privilege and become a social and moral responsibly. Sanitizing stations even come equipped with temperature detectors and alert mechanisms along with touchless sanitizer dispensers. Bluestream’s SaniStation is one such portable machine that also has touchless mask and glove-dispensers.
For a Smarter Dubai
With Dubai being the cultural and economic hub of the Middle East, there has been a growing push for innovative smart urban furniture designs. With that in mind, Bluestream has been working with several public institutions to make the daily lives of citizens more comfortable and fitting for this era of technology.