#Product Trends
Recycling Bins for Malls
The urban landscape is evolving in today’s times.
Cities are studded with gigantic shopping malls that can consume more than 1000 people at a time. Shopping malls indeed add a lot of character to a town and boost its economy. But they also cause some adverse effects on the environment. The more the people, the more the waste. Shopping malls witness a vast number of customers daily that generate a lot of recyclable waste, making it essential to maintain cleanliness and hygiene for people to have a good shopping experience at the mall. Waste like plastic can affect the environment in a harmful way and must be actively recycled. Waste management bins are simple installations that are used to gather litter and recycle it later. Recycling can benefit the environment and help prevent pollution. By recycling only 30% of our waste, we can save many resources, and we can save enough energy that can equate to 11.9 billion gallons of gasoline.
Bluestream understands this need shopping malls waste bin and hence has built some of the most innovative and sturdy high-quality bins in the industry. Our mission is to reduce, reuse and recycle. We built these bins to help organizations easily recycle and sort waste.
There are numerous reasons why you should invest in Bluestream Recycle Bins:
1. To control litter
Recycle bins can stop the place from being littered. Installing these bins in shopping centers guides people to throw their waste in the recycling bins promoting a cleaner environment. It makes the surroundings look more appealing, welcoming, and hygienic for the people.
2. Sanitation
Waste management recycling containers make it easy for sanitation workers to sort and categorize recyclable waste. This helps in better management of sanitation. There are various designs of these bins that can be used according to the specific area. For example, Bluestream Food Court Bin can be used at a food court in shopping malls to collect the waste and recycle it.
3. Perfectly blend with the surrounding
Bluestream recycling bins are built to blend in perfectly with the modern landscape. They do not cause any distraction to the visual aesthetic of a place and look just as sophisticated in any given surrounding. They come in different colours for you to choose from. They are a constant reminder to people that we need to save our planet.
4. Variety of Designs
Small to big and square to cylindrical, Bluestream recycling bins come in various designs like green recycling bins, corona recycling bins, kids bin, glass fiber reinforced recycling bins, Cubo bins, plastic recycling bins, wood and metal recycling bins, etc. The one thing that all these bins have in common is that they are incredibly sturdy.
They are easy to install and relocate and fit perfectly at a shopping mall.
Bluestream is one of the leading recycling bin manufacturers that offer affordable recycling solutions to businesses. Are you looking for recycling bins for a shopping mall? Contact us and get a quote today.