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#Industry News

CATAglaze+ Silver Titanium - Antibacterial protection 99.99%

Ceramica Catalano

CATAglaze+ Silver Titanium - Antibacterial protection 99.99%

The Innovative Antibacterial Glaze is standard on all Catalano products is an improvement of Cataglaze glazing system; besides being more resistant to limescale and therefore easier to clean, it has a powerful antimicrobial action able to kill bacteria. The effectiveness of the new formula is guaranteed by the presence in the mix of silver and titanium ions. The antibacterial action is ISO 22196 certified.

CATAglaze+ Silver Titanium - Antibacterial protection 99.99%


  • Via Falerina, Area Produttiva VT, Italy
  • Ceramica Catalano S.p.A

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