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modular system

The modular Leva system is actually an interior in the exterior. Four vertical lines defining your private space. Add more cubes and your space will be bigger. And different. Completely adjusted to the purposes you’re creating it for.

Concentration and inspiration within one space. The cubes Leva Office/School make it possible. Create a fully adequate outside office. Or a classroom or an afterschool club.

Flipboard? A board, felt-tips or a simple chalk are sufficient. No photos, just a view of the horizon. No music, just the buzz of nature. The work is going to be so simple…

Cramming the curriculum. Sitting upright. Memorising word by word. All of this is hopefully the past today. Because learning can be much more enjoyable. And should it not run smoothly, Leva is always open for fresh air...



  • Bílovice 519, 687 12 Bílovice, Czechia
  • Egoé life