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#Industry News

Velostation - Double-decker parker

Yes to the bike. Especially in times of social distancing!

Unlike crowded public transport, bicycle mobility not only guarantees the necessary safety distance, but is also healthy and inexpensive.

The Department of Infrastructure and Mobility in Italy is currently working on a package of measures to expand cycle mobility - also to relieve the burden on public transport. Cycle paths are to be expanded, and public institutions and companies are to be motivated to make bicycles available to their employees. Municipalities are supported in the implementation of local measures - such as implementing cycle roads.

WE PROVIDE simple bicycle stands, double-decker bicycle parks, complex bicycle depots or shelters. Together with our partner Klaver from the Netherlands, we are sure to have the right thing for you!

- efficient and space-saving bicycle depots

- user-friendly bike systems

- Analysis, planning and production

- optimal safety and mobility

- patented design

Velostation - Double-decker parker


  • Via Daimer, 67, 39032 Campo Tures BZ, Italy
  • euroform w