#Product Trends
Smoking room for public space-Plymovent
smoking cabinsWhen your smoking policy does not permit smoking, a smoking cabin can offer a suitable solution. Plymovent does not consider sending personnel or customers outside to smoke a contemporary solution. Therefore, a smoking cabin offers the ideal solution.
Effective filtering of tobacco smoke; 99.9% of all harmful gases and particles from tobacco smoke, such as nicotine and formaldehyde
Contemporary, solid design
Optional extras: an illuminated display showing important (company) information, foot and lean-to supports
Various models available, from 2-3 persons up to more than 20 persons
Odourless ashtray for several thousand cigarette ends
Existing air conditioning system remains intact
Push-pull system removes all annoying tobacco smoke
Thanks to the smoking cabin of Plymovent, anyone can enjoy a quick smoke and then get back to work. That makes using a smoking cabin both personnel-friendly and cost-efficient.
Cut costs with a smoking cabin
The free-standing modular smoking cabins can be installed anywhere. The smoking cabin not only removes unpleasant odours, gases and the smell of tobacco but also improves the general indoor air quality, as clean air is recirculated.
People wanting a smoking break do not need to go outside. They can remain in the vicinity or their workstations. Smoking cabins can be installed at strategic locations, saving time and reducing the costs per smoker.
The smoking cabins have been extensively tested and certified by the European ECN, the German TÜV and the BGIA institute for safety and efficiency.