#Product Trends
NEW: reinforced concrete retaining wall by Farcimar
FARCIMAR conceived a precast reinforced concrete solution for the execution of the earth retaining walls, in a faster, more economic and perfection way.
The versatility of such solution is in fact enormous having its application revealed to be very valuable in the execution of the earth retaining walls, but also in the execution of inert deposits, of partition walls to seal lands, in the construction of silos for the silage and even of barn pits, among others.
This system is composed by reinforced concrete parts in “L” (incorporated footing until 4,50m of height), “LC” (incorporated footing and buttress until 4,50 m of height) and “I” “in situ” executed footing which may reach a maximum of 12,00m height). The standard width of precast elements is of 1,50m, though in walls of much height consisting only of panels type “I” such width might be increased to 2,50m presenting the panel, in this case, two buttress (π).
In a same wall, of variable height, in order to obtain a greater optimization it can be used the three types of parts (L, LC e I), being the respective study and dimensioning made by the Technical Department at Farcimar, according to the customers’ requests, displaying the respective project.