#Product Trends
Showcases that tell stories: when style, character and identity go on stage
The showcase highlights and emphasizes identity traits.
The showcase catches our attention, canalizes our sights, and tells a story. It tells the story of the objects contained, placed inside to recall a memory, as a chance to begin a conversation. The showcase is a real narrative tool: it recalls the stories, feelings and emotions of the experiences that have built our personalities and shows them off, so that we can somehow revive them. The showcase defines our style, in this tangle of objects, lights, colors, and memories. The oval shaped the Palladio Showcase pays homage to the purity of classical lines, offering a rational, symmetrical, orderly space in its sophisticated simplicity. Painted aluminum profiles combined to the elegance of curved glass give to Aura a structural solidity that clashes with its accessible transparency and creates evanescence suggestions that further highlight the objects contained. The Echo collection introduces a new element: the geometrical patterned effect that dismantles the illusion of complete transparency and immaterial glass, giving chromatic suggestions, that are unexpected and constantly changing. And in this play that oscillates between showing and concealing, stands the statuesque Lady Pliè, with its two-faced structure: above it is a showcase that displays, illustrates, tells. The lower part is a cupboard that embraces, guards, conceals. It is a subtle alchemy, between what is narrated and what is implied.