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#Industry News

Finder Type 14.01 staircase timer

How do you configure the Type 14.01 staircase timer? A good place to start would be to watch the instructive video that you can find on

Finder's 14 Series staircase timers are the ideal solution for optimized lighting management of hallways, staircases or corridors. The Type 14.01 is a multifunction staircase timer with a maximum load capacity of 16 A and an adjustable timing range of 30 seconds to 20 minutes.

This device has Zero Crossing technology – a technology that ensures contact closure occurs when the phase voltage is passing through zero thereby protecting the contacts and as a result increasing the electrical life of the relay.

Available functions:

• (BE) Staircase timer. On initial impulse the output contact closes and timing starts for the pre-set duration; subsequent impulses during the timing period will extend the timing period by the full pre-set value.

• (ME) Staircase timer + Staircase maintenance. In addition to the Staircase timer function (BE), an impulse of ≥ 5 seconds will close the output contact for 60 minutes, after which time the contact will open. Ideal for maintenance or cleaning activities. The 60 minute timing can be interrupted by a further impulse of ≥ 5 seconds.

• (BP) Staircase timer with early warning. On initial impulse the output contact closes and the timing starts for the pre-set duration. After the timing period, the output contact blinks off once; 10 seconds later the contact blinks off twice, and after a further 10 seconds the contact opens.

• (MP) Staircase timer with early warning + Staircase maintenance. In addition to the Staircase timer function (BP), an impulse of ≥ 5 seconds will close the output contact for 60 minutes, after which time the contact will open.

• (IT) Timing step relay. On initial impulse the output contact closes and timing starts for the pre-set duration.

• (IP) Timing step relay with early warning. On initial impulse the output contact closes and timing starts for the pre-set duration; After the timing period, the output contact blinks off once; 10 seconds later the contact blinks off twice, and after a further 10 seconds the contact opens.

• (RI) Step relay. After every impulse, the output contact changes state – alternately switching from open to closed and vice versa.

• Light ON. With this function set the output contact stays permanently closed.

Find out more about Finder's 14 Series staircase timers and watch the video on


  • Via Drubiaglio, 14, 10040 Almese TO, Italy
  • Finder ® S.p.A.

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