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#Product Trends

Sam Frith's Wa design

They have smooth but unpolished surfaces. Each can easily be held in the hand. They’re tactile. Seen side-on, they curve gradually towards a lip on one of their edges. Or most do. There are two variations. The first variation swells one-sidedly, the second rises to a measured central hemisphere. With only one hemisphere section, it seems natural to piece the remaining six tiles around it. When you do, they form a crown of geometric petals. The hallowed curves reveal a loop indented across their surfaces. Neither the structure or the ring takes precedence. This is the first ripple.

Sam Frith has produced Wa as a preview for future installations, both public, private and commercial, across London. He sees them as blank slates to interconnect spaces, a reflection of how networks expand and information grows, a flux of particles that spread organically.


  • kaza concrete


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