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#Product Trends

Personalized Selective waste bins and bike racks with logo

Continuous renewal

The opinion of many is that it is not such a simple question where and what kind of furniture to buy, even if the Internet seems to help with this.

Whether you want to purchase a personalized selective waste bin or bike racks with logo than you are in the right place.Choose stability and durability.

The selective waste collectors manufactured by KroneMag provide an ideal solution for this purpose, as they are available in various sizes and designs, adapting to different needs. More and more customers want to buy unique bike racks with logo.It is unique when it embodies the customer's ideas and special features, i.e. is individually made. In order to make our products appealing and to meet special requests, we modify, change and sometimes fundamentally make as many adjustments as possible as a manufacturer.

Personalized Selective waste bins and bike racks with logo


  • Strada Ștefan cel Mare 327M, Hărman 507085, Romania
  • Kronemag Millenium srl.