Posted on 2/19/2016
It is an insulating disposable formwork destined to built vertical structures in concrete, consisting of two panels in high density foam polystyrene EPS150 (self-extinguishing), Class EUR E, connected together, at a variable distance, by a series of metal trellis. The metal trellis are made up with vertical uprights Ø8, Ø10 in B450C, fitted every 20 cm on the two internal sides of the formwork and connected with beams Ø5 and by a series of diagonals Ø3, used to make the formwork stiffer during the M casting.
The diagonals are opposed one to the other as to host, before casting, the inside horizontal bars forecast by the designer. The space between two EPS plates is filled with concrete, thus building self-standing vertical walls compliant with standards. It is thus possible to build civil and industrial works and multistorey buildings, in concrete, suitable insula...