#Industry News
Anti-slip solutions
Accidents caused by slipperiness
Accidents caused by slipping are often due to an unfavorable interaction between the soles of the shoes or the soles of the feet, the flooring of any material (ceramics, stoneware, linoleum, wood, metal grating, etc.) and a substance such as water, ice, oil, soap.
On the kitchen floor, for example, you can find oil, splashes of fat or food remains; in the walkways and on the external stairs it is easy to find rain, snow and ice.
All these substances or liquids can make the floor slippery and have dangerous consequences.
In heavy industry, in offices, in public places, a good number of injuries is due to slips and falls.
The risk of accidents due to falls due to slippery floors, an issue that until recently has been underestimated, is becoming more and more important both for the entry into force of specific regulations, and for the increased sensitivity to safety problems.
Lo Scalino anti-slip products are designed to prevent accidents and to ensure all safety conditions for people, both at work and in public places.
The interest in non-slip products is growing, often their use is essential, we can see the need for them:
in condominiums
in shopping centers
in schools and kindergartens
in the sports locker rooms
in hospitals and nursing homes
in hotels and restaurants
in cemeteries
in nightclubs
in all public places.
In all these situations the company Lo Scalino is able to provide you with fast, inexpensive anti-slip solutions, without renovation work, to guarantee maximum anti-slip safety for floors and stairs.
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