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#Product Trends

MInimal 2.0

The most copied door handle in the world

Door handle Minimal was awarded a reddot prize already in 2013. Since then, the door handle has been upgraded. In addition, it has an integrated WC lock and a beveled front edge.

The comfort WC locking system and the hidden emergency opening at the same time are integrated in an impressive package with clockwork precision and style.

The handle is designed and constructed with an invisible flush rosette, interchangeable operating/locking segment, manufactured in massive brass, with a choice of 10 finishes & colours, guaranteed for 3-15 years depending on the type of design and finish chosen, with quality M 2011 mechanics, for use on interior and exterior doors.

Integrated WC locking system

Minimal 2.0


  • 518 01 Dobruska, Czechia
  • M&T 1997, a.s.

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