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#Product Trends

NEW: PVC architectural fabric by Mehler Texnologies

Alternative energies will become increasingly important in future. Substances such as methane gas are gained from biomass and they are extremely volatile and explosive at the same time. They must be stored in containers that offer the maximum safety. Flexible covers on biogas fermenters made of VALMEX® enviro pro are perfect, thanks to the special coating process and the biomass resistant PVC formulas, and they also meet the high safety standards. With their low methane gas permeability, our products ensure that the amount of gas produced goes into power generation and does not escape unused into the atmosphere.

The VALMEX® enviro pro Biogas product range includes a series of special fabrics with specific features depending on the purpose of use. Membranes for gas and biological sludges are divided into three strength classes that result from the requirements of directives and safety regulations.

Strength class I

7625 BIOGAS I.2 with a weight of 1200 g/m2

The VALMEX® enviro pro Biogas product range includes a series of special fabrics with specific features depending on the purpose of use. Membranes for gas and biological sludges are divided into three strength classes that result from the requirements of directives and safety regulations.

Strength class II

5206 BIOGAS II.2 with a weight of 1400 g/m2


  • Mehler Texnologies
