#Product Trends
3.200 m2 of Delgorsa® cobbles – type 8/10cm – were supplied and installed in straight rows technique, on a Splitflex® base, sealed through Montorfano granite with Flexyfuga® resin.
Porphyry from Trentino acts a very prominent role, inside innovative project of Prada Foundation in Milan, which symbolizes one of the most important private work ever – designed from OMA and Rem Koolhaas.In the new spaces, joining to others already existing in Venice, new building and reconversion complement one another, bringing to life a totally new artistic and creative experience. Built up in 1910 as a distillery, the complex is basically a campus made up of post-industrial areas - transformed into exhibition galleries – placed side by side to three buildings : “Podium” “Cinema” and “Torre”, separated from and interconnected to different courtyards as well as external ways and paths, whose aim is offering a common public area to citizenship.For paths and courtyards flooring of this “artistic park”, the choice of designers and “Colombo Costruzioni” building enterprise ( entrusted with some of the most prestigious works, which reshaped Milan city center, with the occasion of EXPO ), went for “Odorizzi” company porphyry, from Trentino.3.200 m2 of Delgorsa® cobbles – type 8/10cm – were supplied and installed in straight rows technique, on a Splitflex® base, sealed through Montorfano granite with Flexyfuga® resin.This prominent job was completed by laying further 1.000 m2 of oak wooden cobbles – size 10/14cm – installed next to porphyry cobbles.