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panGenerator animates listening mickey mouse installation using visual rhythmic playback

‘mickeyphon’ is an interactive audiovisual kinetic sculpture by panGenerator for disney.

the ‘mickey mouse’ listens to the sounds in the room, rotating in the direction of the sources and samples them to create rhythmic patterns based on feedback. the polish team made up of piotr barszczewski, krzysztof cybulski, krzysztof goliński and jakub koźniewski used a custom cylindrical RGB LED matrix that is audio-reactive and tightly integrated with the music output of the installation.

the piece invites both children and adults to experiment with creating sounds using their voices, clapping their hands or using the provided instruments and observe their influence on the kinetic visual and auditory output of the sculpture.

panGenerator animates listening mickey mouse installation using visual rhythmic playback


  • United States
  • panGenerator