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#Industry News

glass-bottomed sky pool set to bridge south london apartment complex

labeled as a ‘world’s first’, a 27 meter-long (90 feet) glass bottomed swimming pool is set to be installed at nine elms, a riverside district under construction in south london

suspended ten storeys above ground, the pool will bridge two apartment buildings making it possible to swim between the two structures.the pool forms part of the ‘embassy gardens legacy buildings’, a project commissioned by developers ballymore who selected HAL architects to work alongside arup associates as engineers, camlins as landscapers and luis bustamante to work on the scheme’s interiors. the remainder of the 2,000-unit complex will include a ‘working from home’ business area, a gym and a rooftop bar. the buildings will start on site in the summer of 2015 with the first completions due in 2017.

the 2,000-unit complex will include a business area, a gym and a rooftop bar


  • Nine Elms, London SW8, UK
  • HAL architects
