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#Industry News

The bathroom becomes a wellness area

How to make the bathroom environment at home more relaxing and comfortable?

Bathroom or wellness area? Over the years, the bathroom has evolved more and more, veering towards relaxation and health, moving away from its primary functions and dedicating itself more to well-being and personal care. Quiet and well-being in your home environment are now common and fundamental to recharge your energy, but what are the technologies that allow us to do so? We show you the two simplest and most immediate solutions to elevate your bathroom to a real spa.


What does chromotherapy consist of? Considered for millennia one of the most effective and least invasive therapeutic methods for recovering strength, energy and treating stress, it is a technique capable of exploiting the harmony of colors to bring numerous health benefits.

It is well known how light is capable of resolving many moods and making us regain psycho-physical well-being, also favoring some natural processes such as the spontaneous healing of our body. So why not add chromotherapy to your bathroom / spa?

Turkish bath

The origin of the Turkish bath is ancient and rooted in the Mediterranean peoples. Greeks, Egyptians and Romans immediately discovered the beneficial properties of a treatment like this. The invigorating and relaxing effect of a Turkish bath has few rivals in the world of wellness.

Thanks to the effect of heat, in fact, the benefits we can derive from it are many, among these we find the spontaneous dilation of blood vessels (which greatly favors circulation) and a purification and cleaning of the skin (thanks to the effect of steam) that they will make you feel younger after just 20 minutes of sitting

At what temperatures is a Turkish bath performed? There are usually two temperatures: one at the level of the feet ranging from 20 to 25 ° C and one at a higher level, including the torso and head, with temperatures that tend to double, reaching almost 50 ° C.


  • Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 2a, 30020 Torre di mosto VE, Italy
  • Relax Srl

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