#Product Trends
A design that has it all
Designing the new premises for the International Criminal Court in The Hague (Netherlands)
Designing the new premises for the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague (Netherlands) isn’t your average job: not only had the ICC a set of key values that it wanted taken into account, but the building also had to embody the spirit of international cooperation and reflect the willingness of 123 countries to establish an independent court which tries people accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Alongside the necessity to strike a balance between security and transparency, given the ICC’s involvement in very sensitive issues, there was also the typical Dutch dune landscape to consider. However, the international Danish firm schmidt hammer lassen architects successfully factored in all these aspects. They took on the challenge, were selected out of a hundred other architect firms around the world in an international competition, and finally designed an incredibly beautiful landmark.
Rolling landscape
‘We incorporated the ICC’s wishes into our architectural and landscape design in many ways,’ says Denis Olette, architect, ICC project director, and director of schmidt hammer lassen architects in London. He continues: ‘First of all, we wanted to reunite the old site of former Dutch army barracks with the rolling dunes surrounding it by incorporating the six buildings, each built to a different height, into this natural environment. The transparent centre is the Court Tower, the heart of the organization, where the surrounding greenery connects to the courtyard garden as a symbol of unity. Secondly, we wanted to create a building that has a sculptural quality in the landscape, functioning as a work of art embedded in its environment, if you like. Taken as a whole, it has a very dynamic, powerful, and pleasing presence.’
Unique tiles that bring everything together
‘The Mosa tiles we used – the 216 V and 216 XT Terra Maestricht – also enabled us to enhance the connections that are visible throughout the premises. We used the tiles on the ground floor inside as well as outdoors. Their high quality, consistent colour, and large size (measuring 60 x 60 centimeters) create a serene, tranquil effect and also add to the spacious character of the building. Furthermore, we were impressed by Mosa’s commitment and customer focus. They had to produce thick exterior tiles that could be laid on sand, without sacrificing aesthetics. However, we knew they could pull it off, as we’ve collaborated with Mosa on projects in the past and value their contribution.’