#Industry News
BIM and the latest Lighting Design Tools
SIMES is BIM Ready
The world of lighting technology is deeply involved in this change. To be ready for this change, SIMES has been working hard for several years on the arrangement of all libraries necessary for the lighting design, in several extensions, including those for SketchUp, Archicad and Revit.
The 3D Model is rich of information, from the simplest ones concerning volume and dimension, to the more complex ones concerning material, appearance, technical characteristics. According to this revolutionary approach, the main role is played from the high quality photometries that come from the internal certified laboratory, which allow to authentically recreate the light effect once introduced into the rendering engine. Managing BIM libraries of luminaires means to manage costs directly from the computation tables, dealing with a detailed list of items and costs that can be updated in real time. Thanks to the new generation we can now design, simulate and control the behavior of light sources to model any type of building.