#Industry News
Snaidero realises a new Contract project in Singapore: 700 kitchens furnish the residence Duo’s apartments, one of the most elegant real estate building of the city.
Residence Duo in Singapore chooses Snaidero for furnishing the apartments of the 49-floors building in the heart of the residential city: designed by the German archistar Ole Scheeren, the Duo modern design is some kind of bond between classic and modern Singapore. Almost 700 Snaidero kitchens, model Orange, from the Sistema Collection, designed and realised by the company's Friulian factory, are being installed in the apartments of one of the three residence’s towers: we speak about kitchens on which the architects request a suggestive customisation even in the finishing, asking a micalised lacquered Gold that the company realised smoothly. Moreover, by Snaidero the great commissions represent a well-known commercial segment: the first installations date back to the 90’s in the U.S.A., and since 1999 a particular department is aimed to help directly the customers which belong to this special business sector, which have their particular requirements in terms of flexibility, products, services, delivery times and assistance pre- and post- sale. Today, the Snaidero's Contract Division is active and present all over the world with its realisations: from north Europe to Near, Middle and Far East.
The Contract represents an increasingly important part of the Snaidero's turnover. This turnover in the year 2016 has increased by +17,7% with an exploit even by +34,3% on the international markets, both in the Retail area and especially in the great commissions'world. For these results we have to be grateful to the important commercial and manufacturing investments, that have changed the company’s face, making it one of the few Italian institution which has a placement and a product proposal that ranges from the quality entry level to the luxury sector of highest level.
The Friulian trademark’s traditional markets are U.S.A., Russia, France and U.K., but in the recent years the most significant growth concerned the emerging markets like India, Middle East, Asia and Africa, which are living a constant growth and an important emancipation of the mid-market with a great openness to the living and the Italian interior design. It is only in the latest three months that more than 10 showrooms were inaugurated, including Madagascar, Kenya, South Africa and Russia.