#Industry News
Hair salon design in a reclaimed wood look
Seethaler Friseure (hair salon) in SUN WOOD decor //TYROL 02
Hair salon design in a reclaimed wood look: SUN WOOD products lend a stylish and modern-traditional ambience to the “Seethaler Friseure” hair salon in Munich. Wall coverings, salon chairs and vanities were installed and furniture was faced with reclaimed wood decor//TYROL 02. SUN WOOD’s unique surfaces were used to streamline the style of the hair salon design down to the smallest detail.
A cohesive total concept with three-ply panels
Salon walls and counters were covered with high-quality SUN WOOD three-ply panels. The hand-chopped surface of this substrate is captivating thanks to its authentic look and feel while bringing in a natural element to the space.
A customized salon chair and vanity
The salon chair and vanity surfaces were also fitted with special SUN WOOD for a consistent interior. This puts the customer directly in contact with the natural look and feel of the wood for a guaranteed feel-good vibe during their service!