#Trade Shows & Events
Fifty years of Varaschin
Appointment on Friday, July 19th at the company's headquarters in Vittorio Veneto to celebrate the important milestone.
Friday, July 19th Varaschin, a leading company in quality outdoor furniture, will celebrate its first fifty years and to properly honor this important milestone, it has organized a great event with the participation of over five hundred guests.
Back from participating in May at the prestigious Hospitalty Design Expo in Las Vegas, the Vittorio Veneto brand, now known all over the world, will focus in the coming weeks on the celebration of its fifth decade of activity.
Founded in 1969 by the brothers Ugo and Pietro Varaschin, the company began with products for interiors and exteriors in wicker and rattan, extending the offer to synthetic fiber products in the following years.
Some time ago the strategic choice to focus exclusively on outdoor furniture, developing a product range in which the interwoven realizations coexist with others based on the latest generation materials. All this combining ergonomics, stylistic research, artisan quality and great attention to the technical aspects, in accordance with the vision that claims "We encourage people to live in an outdoor context that is as close as possible to nature and to ensure a high level of comfort, well-being and conviviality. We offer a new lifestyle." and with the new "Outdoor Therapy" payoff.
Numbers and markets speak of a solid and international brand. One-third of Varaschin's turnover, which this year is expected to reach 15 million euros (over 13 million in 2018 already represented a doubling of the turnover achieved in just 4 years), comes from the peninsula while the rest, about two thirds, from abroad (70 countries), especially from Europe, with a progressive increase in US, Australia, Mexico and Middle East.
Today the company is going through a phase of further consolidation and the generational transition with the entry of the daughters of Ugo, Verena, Romina and Vally, without prejudice to the presidency of Pietro Varaschin, shared with his sister-in-law Giancarla Antoniazzi, and the operational management of Stefano Giust, author of the book "A successful business turnaround strategy. The Varaschin Case Study.”, published this year, in conjunction with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary.
The venues of Varaschin's headquarters will host the event on July 19th, starting at 5 pm until late in the evening. The is that not only the representatives of the industry and of the local community will honor Varaschin with their presence, but also those of the media, with which the company staff will be happy to share a day dedicated to conviviality, entertainment and an entrepreneurial story that deserves to be told.
We hope that you might want to reserve adequate space for the news, ideally on 19 July 2019, and you will welcome the invitation to attend the event.
Varaschin SpA
Via Cervano, 20,
31029 Vittorio Veneto (TV)