#Product Trends
The Disfrutar Restaurant opens in Barcelona
We are telling you about the Disfrutar Restaurant for two reasons: the first is about its founder, the great Spanish chef Oriol Castro Forns. Forty years old, born in Barcelona, he is famous for being “un cocinero español conocido por ser la mano derecha de Ferrán Adriá en la cocina del El Bulli desde 1997”, i.e. the right arm of the person who is considered one of the greatest, even the absolute best, chefs of our time, Ferrán Adriá, who won the best world chef award for ten years running, and Time magazine has included him among the 100 most influential men on the planet. Oriol Castro Forns worked with his Maestro for a few years, and then last autumn he decided to open the Disfrutar in Barcelona. The second reason we are telling you about the new Disfrutar Restaurant is that Castro Forns and his carefully selected staff of chefs, prepare all the refined dishes in Barcelona exclusively on our customized Berto''s LX900 Top Unique. On reading the reviews about the restaurant and the success it is achieving, it seems that this marriage between Made in Italy technology and refined Catalan culinary art is working perfectly.