#Industry News
Warmuseum Overloon, The Netherlands
The largest Casambi Bluetooth project in the Netherlands, realized with the CLS Ruby
War belongs in the museum. This is the motto of the War Museum Overloon in the Netherlands.
The War Museum shows the history of the Second World War. Here, visitors are able to see how it was possible that over 55 million people lost their lives within 5 years’ time, but also how occupied countries and people lived within this time of occupation.
The exhibit focuses on both the resistance and the persecution in this time. Of course, there is also plenty of attention for the liberation, with a special focus on the Battle of Overloon. The museum consists of over 10,000 square meters and is home to a great number of military vehicles, including a massive aircraft.
In 2019, the War Museum reached out to CLS to supply them with a new system of illumination. Important within this project were the transition to LED, saving on energy and maintenance costs, good dimming and controlling options and the ability to expand the system in the future, should this be necessary. After a thorough analysis, CLS opted for the Casambi Bluetooth operating system. With this system, it was no longer necessary to create a new data infrastructure or to invest in separate controlling equipment.
In our opinion, the most important reason to choose the Casambi Bluetooth is that it is constantly expanded with new options, which makes the operating system even more powerful. Software updates can be done easily and while the number of features keeps increasing, the basic control stays simple, accessible and intuitive.
With regard to the fixture, the War Museum has opted for the Ruby 8 series with a 3000K 92 CRI light source. After Dialux calculations, we found out that the Ruby 8 with a power absorption of 55 Watt would give a higher lux value than the current TL lighting, with twice as much absorbed power.
Thanks to the CRI of 92, the objects are now also illuminated and highlighted in a much better way and with better colors than before with the TL lights. Over 350 Ruby 8 Casambi’s were installed, which makes it the largest installation of Casambi Bluetooth control in the whole of the Netherlands.
The museum staff can now easily dim a couple of fixture groups, by using a tablet. At a later stage, sensors can be added to the system and it will become possible to create certain calendar settings. Thanks to the creation of a gateway, it is even possible for the CLS engineers to adjust the light scenes remotely.
Besides the Ruby series, CLS also offers you plenty of other fixture series with integrated Casambi Bluetooth control options. Reach out to your local CLS distributor for more information.
We would like to thank the management and staff of the War Museum in Overloon for this excellent cooperation and would like to wish them all the best with their new and improved light system.