#Industry News
De Bastei Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Museum de Bastei tells the story of the Waal river. Jump into the museum and take a journey through past, present and future!
Museum de Bastei tells the story of the Waal river. Jump into the museum and take a journey through past, present and future! Here at the Waal and in Nijmegen, the oldest city of the Netherlands, you can touch the past and discover the beautiful flora and fauna that the riverscape in the province of Gelderland has to offer.
De Bastei is located at a unique location: in the oldest Dutch city, next to Europe’s most busy waterway and in between the rich nature of the Gelderse Poort wilderness area. Here, it is able to close the gap between history and modern situations.
In De Bastei, we used the Jade Expo in a 3000K CRI ≈95 version and a Local Dim edition.
Light designers can choose from no less than 5 different control versions, such as the DMX512, Wireless DMX and Bluetooth Control by Casambi.
We also made use of various accessories, such as the CLS Beam shapers, with which light designers can adjust the beam size at any location and within a matter of seconds.Extremely subtle is the use of the Focus Compact in a dual version with extension pipes. The white version of the Focus makes it almost unnoticeable within the exhibition. With regard to accessories, we made use of the so-called half cut snoot.
Bob van der Klaauw of the design agency Bijzondere Object Belichting b.v. was responsible for the amazing light design. The project was realized by CLS partner Lichtpunt in Groningen.
Pictures by Lichtpunt – Peter Reese / CLS – Jasper Te Selle