#Product Trends
Since 1985 Impertek, Italian company operating in the raised flooring and waterproofing solutions industry, has been committed to providing its customers with high-quality products combined with services that simplify and speed up the installation of the chosen materials.
In this context, the company announces the launch of MegaPro 4.0, a software for architectural calculations, which has been completely updated compared to the previous variation. The purpose is to provide an easy, quick, and intuitive design experience to both professionals (such as architects, dealers, engineers, etc.) and private individuals interested in small do-it-yourself projects.
MegaPro 4.0, unlike other software on the market, stands out for its ease of use.
Taking advantage of the experience gained in more than 7 years from the launch of the first edition, Impertek offers a more intuitive and user-friendly design way.
In just a few simple steps, indeed, the user can independently create a project by either uploading a floorplan (both in .pdf or .jpg format) or by developing the project from scratch, straight on the workspace.
Once the design phase is finished, the software generates the article list which shows the quantities needed for the project’s realization. If interested, the user can move forward with the request of a quotation which will be handled from the company management software, simplifying, and speeding up the processes.
Many benefits are offered by the software, such as: The automation of the compluvium/displuvium data entry, the “Show/Hide” command that makes some of the details of the project visible or not, allowing the user to work in an orderly manner, as well as the possibility of working on several projects, even simultaneously.
The software will be constantly updated with the latest product’s innovations introduced by the company so as to always provide the most suitable choice among the portfolio offered by Impertek to the market.
MegaPro 4.0 is dynamic and provides added value to the end user. The software complies with the user needs by offering the most convenient solution concerning both the design way and the choice of materials. In the design process, the user can choose whether to develop the project independently or be guided by the system through a work window from which to select type of flooring, finish, pedestal, and more.
In selecting the most suitable products, on the other hand, the user is only required to enter a few simple technical details about the type of flooring, it will then be the software's job to recommend the most convenient item for the project. For instance, by selecting the "Decking" command as finish type, MegaPro 4.0 will enter the required amount of aluminum joist in the article list, making the design easier for even the least experienced user.
MegaPro 4.0 is now ready for use in Italian and English, and it will soon be available in Spanish, German, and French. It is possible to use the software via browser, with no need for download, from both tablets and PCs, straight from the “Web-App” section of the Impertek website.
An introduction guide and a video tutorial will assist the user in every step, from the very first access, in order to make the experience even more comfortable and enjoyable. Moreover, all commands are supported by a brief explanation, for step-by-step learning of use.
With MegaPro 4.0, Impertek continues to prove its commitment to innovation and to offering cutting-edge solutions that simplify and make the design of raised floors at your fingertips in a few simple clicks.