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#Industry News

InnoDom Cologne

German Lighting Design Award 2024 awarded for outstanding lighting concept

InnoDom Cologne, the University of Cologne's latest innovation centre, has won the prestigious German Lighting Design Award 2024 for the lighting concept developed by Dorette Faulhaber and Corinna Arens.

The building, designed by kadawittfeldarchitektur, is a creative meeting place for start-ups and innovation projects. The central elements of the lighting concept are the Matric R3 light lines and the Lucille table luminaire by Lightnet. The Matric R3 light lines run through the building as a central design element, highlighting the architectural structures. At the workstations, the Lucille task luminaire series provides glare-free, ergonomic light and combines functionality with clear design.

Thanks to the close collaboration between all the partners and the Lightnet team, the bespoke lighting concept was precisely tailored to the architectural requirements and the needs of the users.

InnoDom Cologne


  • Cologne, Germany
  • Lightnet GmbH