#Industry News
Wooden houses withstand the most destructive earthquakes on the planet!
Their walls are relatively light and do not put a lot of loads on the foundation. And also due to the fact that the crowns of the beam "walk" among themselves, but at the same time fastened as a whole, do not crack or collapse.
For this reason, both timber houses and log houses are very popular all over the world in seismic zones.
Wooden houses are the most reliable shelter during an earthquake!
Earthquake-resistant construction is a set of measures aimed at ensuring that houses withstand shocks of magnitude 9 or more.
It is extremely important to make a calculation for seismic resistance in hazardous regions. And Lumi Polar makes such calculations at the Sweco Helsing Institute. We design houses taking into account the data provided by the professor of the above-named institute. We make strong foundation reinforcement. We add rigidity and bonding in the walls, take into account all the nuances in laying engineering communications, and so on.