#Product Trends
Outdoor floor in terracotta, an Italian historian
Porch with terracotta floor
It would be difficult to imagine the Tuscan landscape without the presence of the farmhouses and farms that characterize it with their structure and the colors of the stones that fit so well into the surrounding landscape: a lovely, varied and typical countryside.
The Val d'Orcia is considered by some to be a magical place, where art and landscape are the expression of wonderful natural features.
Among the green hills, vineyards and olive groves, there are restored farmhouses of rare beauty.
Last year we were contacted by a world famous architect, who was undergoing a renovation, to provide the floors for this splendid farmhouse.
Obviously, to respect the historic floor, our Cotto Rosato Toscano was chosen, made with clay from Siena, the same with which Piazza del Campo di Siena was made.
For the format, a 7-30 cm Listello was chosen, which recalls the old and historic Italian squares, where the bricks were mounted, from the side.