#Product Trends
NEW: elastomeric expansion joint by Mageba
mageba TENSA-GRIP expansion joints are single gap joints for movements of up to 80 mm in the case of type RS, or 100 mm in the case of Type RS-LS. Type RS-LS joints feature so-called “sinus plates” on their surface, which make this increased movement possible and also reduce noise from over-passing traffic by up to 80%. The joints consist of robust steel edge profiles and replaceable elastomeric sealing profiles, which ensure long-lasting watertightness. The drainage of the joints is via the drainage system of the bridge deck.
TENSA-GRIP expansion joints were developed for use in bridges with heavy traffic loading, and can readily meet the challenges of snowploughs and vehicles with exceptionally heavy loads. They can be used in both asphalt and concrete carriageways, and are detailed accordingly.