Haute-couture lace
TJ archi
Monumental lightness. Combining these two words might seem contradictory. Yet this is what immediately comes to mind on seeing the new BioMérieux building for the specialist Lyonsbased biomedical diagnostics company, with its distinctive twelve-metre-high Moucharabiya-style lattice screens made from terracotta.
for Jérémie Tourret, Tourret Jonery Architects : “ Brick is a very interesting material. I love the idea of being able to work on an immense scale with pieces you can hold in one hand. Here, the brick serves our purpose brilliantly, to create a showcase building: it really plays its role in putting its stamp on the place. It creates both a monumental aspect as regards the external façades and a warm aspect inside. It's a material that lends itself particularly well to creating Moucharabiya screens, as this allows us to create a powerful façade with a strong presence, yet without it becoming imposing or overwhelming.”
Craponne 2020 Biomérieux, Craponne, FR - TJ archi - Custom brick from TERREAL range