#Product Trends
The main motif of Artematica Vitrum Arte décor was created by overlapping two, simple, geometric shapes one on top of the other, i.e. two squares, one of which is rotated by 45° over the other. The result is a figure that already contains two shapes: an octagon on the inside and an eight-pointed star on the outside. Using the mirrored image of the points, for exemple the triangles, other squares and these form a different type of star.
And so on: by playing with symmetries and intersections, more and more shapes are created. These appear as if they are continuously changing depending on your point of view and perception.
Modernity disrupts the traditional pattern: a decorative module that is continuously repeated until the entire surface is covered, rhythmically and harmoniously alternates with an ever-changing decorative module: an empty space contrasts with an utterly full one, creating a game of colourful and tone-on-tone shades.