#Product Trends
Glass façade and glass parapet in one.
According to the architect's wishes, the façade of the building should be as smooth and low-fuge as possible. For this reason, he planned glass elements with the maximum dimensions of 4670 x 1425mm. A stately size given that the discs were extra bent in some places. In addition, the glass of the façade passes directly into the parapet, which is also almost entirely made of glass. As a result, the demands placed on the glass elements are extremely high. "A task for which," according to the architect, "only glass Marte was eligible, since it was difficult to find a manufacturer with comparable high-quality products and know-how, which were necessary for this purpose." And so it was that the manufacturer from Bregenz supplied the composite safety glass GM VSG LAMIMART ® in combination with GM Railing ® Plan 2.