#Product Trends
Everything new is the forgotten old. And if the old one returns, then there is no doubt about its quality. In our case, it is also a reliable, environmentally friendly, durable and, most importantly, beautiful material.
So, a roof shakes is a wooden tile that is used to decorate walls or for roofing. It is considered one of the most durable materials. The service life reaches 200 years, but it depends on many factors.
The first thing to consider is the material from which the roof shakes will be made. Usually used: larch, oak, cedar, spruce, aspen. The wood must be mature, with a high density of annual rings, a minimum of defects, such as knots. We use larch roof shakes in our homes, as this tree is considered the most durable.
No less important is how the roofing material was produced. It can be either a manual split or a cut. When split, the structure of the tree will not be broken, and such a roof will last longer.
Now all over the world there is a BOOM on natural eco-friendly materials. And roof shakes is one of the few products that matches this.
The advantages of a roof shakes include:
Attractive appearance. This material is used both in exteriors (roof, building facade) and in interiors.
Ideal microclimate in the house. Due to the properties and structure of the tree. If necessary, it is easily and quickly repaired.
Excellent sound absorbing properties. The noise of rain will not disturb, as, for example, with a roof made of metal.
Lightweight material. Attaches well to any surface.
People fear that roof shakes as a roof, unlike metal tiles, is a flammable product. But if you look at the statistics of the occurrence of fires in houses, then the ignition of the roof itself will be in last place and with a minimum probability. While a fire due to careless handling of fire and electrical appliances (smoking, a pot forgotten on the hob, an iron turned on, etc.) occupies a leading position, as this happens daily. In this case, does it matter what the roof is made of?
But even here, if desired, you can impregnate wooden tiles with protective agents and completely protect yourself.
Nowadays, the use of roof shakes on facades and roofs is gaining more and more popularity, as this premium eco-friendly material has stood the test of time and has proven its reliability and durability.